An overview on QBD approach in GACP for the control of aflatoxins in collection and storage of abelmoschus moschatus seeds and to identify alatoxins using advanced HPLC-FLD technique.

Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Short Communication- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation(2023)

An overview on QBD approach in GACP for the control of aflatoxins in collection and storage of abelmoschus moschatus seeds and to identify alatoxins using advanced HPLC-FLD technique.

Rajendra Bojanala*
Analytical Development Laboratory, Himalaya Wellness Company, Makali, Bengaluru, India
*Corresponding Author:
Rajendra Bojanala, Analytical Development Laboratory, Himalaya Wellness Company, Makali, Bengaluru, India, Email:

Received: 20-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. AJPTI-23-1142911; Editor assigned: 22-Sep-2023, Pre QC No. AJPTI-23-1142911 (PQ); Reviewed: 06-Oct-2023, QC No. AJPTI-23-1142911; Revised: 13-Oct-2023, Manuscript No. AJPTI-23-1142911 (R); Published: 20-Oct-2023

About the Study

When combined with Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP), the Quality by Design (QBD) strategy has proven to be a successful method for reducing aflatoxin contamination during the collection and storage of Abelmoschus Moschatus (AM) seeds. A crucial level of precision is added to the control measures by using cutting-edge High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection (HPLC-FLD) methods for aflatoxin identification. This review investigates the use of HPLC-FLD for aflatoxin identification in AM seeds and the application of QBD principles in GACP for aflatoxin control [1].

GACP and QBD approach

The GACP guidelines provide a comprehensive framework for the cultivation, collection, and storage of AM seeds. When combined with the QBD technique, these procedures make aflatoxin management more methodical and proactive. Critical Process Parameters (CPPs) and Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) identification is a key component of QBD throughout the entire seed production cycle. Aflatoxin risks should be proactively identified and reduced by growers by assessing factors such soil quality, irrigation, and harvesting conditions. The QBD approach also promotes the development of a risk-based control strategy that ensures the production of top-quality seeds while reducing aflatoxin contamination.

Aflatoxin identification has greatly advanced thanks to the application of the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection (HPLC-FLD) technique. This method, which has high sensitivity and specificity, makes it possible to precisely measure and characterize the aflatoxins present in AM seeds [2]. HPLC-FLD can distinguish between distinct aflatoxin kinds, such as B1, B2, G1, and G2, by taking advantage of the fluorescence features of aflatoxins. This information is crucial for regulatory compliance and risk assessment.

A comprehensive and well-organized strategy is provided for the management of aflatoxins during the collection and storage of Abelmoschus Moschatus seeds by the QBD approach in GACP, in conjunction with cutting-edge HPLC-FLD methods. With the aid of this integrated approach, seed growers and processors can proactively lower aflatoxin risks and create high-quality, safe seeds. In addition to enhancing consumer safety, accurate aflatoxin identification and quantification also enhances regulatory compliance [3]. In order for this approach to fully realize its potential, the agriculture and food sectors must make investments in training and education.

Holistic aflatoxin control: The integrated approach of QBD in GACP, combined with HPLC-FLD, offers a holistic strategy for managing aflatoxin contamination in AM seeds. It covers the entire lifecycle of seed production, from cultivation practices to postharvest handling, ensuring a comprehensive control system.

Proactive risk management: One of the key strengths of the QBD approach is its proactive nature. By identifying critical process parameters and critical quality attributes, growers and processors can anticipate and mitigate potential aflatoxin risks. This proactive stance reduces the likelihood of aflatoxin contamination at each stage of production [4].

Continuous improvement: QBD emphasizes continuous improvement and optimization. Growers can continually refine their processes based on data and real-time monitoring. This iterative approach ensures that control measures remain effective and adaptable to changing conditions, ultimately resulting in safer AM seeds.

Aflatoxin identification and quantification: Advanced HPLCFLD techniques are a game-changer in the identification and quantification of aflatoxins. The precision and sensitivity of this analytical method are unmatched, enabling the reliable detection of even trace amounts of aflatoxins. This is crucial for compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

Differentiation of aflatoxin types: HPLC-FLD allows for the differentiation of various aflatoxin types, such as B1, B2, G1, and G2. This capability is vital because different aflatoxins have varying degrees of toxicity. Knowing the specific types present in AM seeds provides critical information for risk assessment and management.

Consumer safety and regulatory compliance: The integration of QBD and HPLC-FLD supports consumer safety and regulatory compliance. Consumers rightly expect safe and contamination- free food products. By implementing this approach, producers can assure the quality and safety of their AM seeds, enhancing consumer trust and meeting regulatory requirements [5].

Need for education and training: To realize the full benefits ofd this integrated approach, it is essential to educate and train stakeholders in the agricultural and food industries. This includes farmers, processors, and quality control personnel. Adequate training ensures the correct implementation of GACP, QBD, and HPLC-FLD techniques, maximizing their effectiveness.

Future directions: As technology and scientific understanding continue to advance, there may be further refinements and innovations in aflatoxin control strategies. It's important for the industry to remain adaptable and open to incorporating new methods and tools to stay ahead of emerging risks.


In conclusion, the integration of the QBD approach in GACP, coupled with advanced HPLC-FLD techniques, represents a cutting-edge and comprehensive approach to managing aflatoxins in AM seeds. This strategy not only ensures the production of safe and high-quality seeds but also contributes to a safer food supply chain. It is a testament to the potential for science, technology, and proactive management practices to address food safety challenges effectively. As this approach gains traction, it holds the promise of reducing aflatoxin-related health risks and enhancing the reputation of agricultural products in the marketplace.


Citation: Bojanala R. An overview on QBD approach in GACP for the control of aflatoxins in collection and storage of abelmoschus moschatus seeds and to identify aflatoxins using advanced HPLC-FLD technique AJPTI 2023;11 (44):1-2.