Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Sharul Islam Barbhuiya

Department of Pharmacy, HIMT College of Pharmacy, Greater Noida, India


  • Review Article   
    Advancements in sustained-release drug delivery systems.
    Author(s): Sharul Islam Barbhuiya* and Vishal Kumar

    Sustained-release drug delivery systems have evolved significantly over the years, playing a pivotal role in pharmaceutical research and enhancing patient care. This abstract synthesizes key insights from various references to highlight the noteworthy advancements in this field. Recent research has emphasized the importance of understanding drug properties and their impact on sustained-release system design. These advancements enable tailoring drug delivery to optimize therapeutic outcomes. Incorporating innovative technologies such as nanotechnology, biodegradable polymers, and matrix systems has led to the development of more efficient and patient-friendly sustained-release systems. Moreover, the concept of personalized medicine is gaining prominence, opening doors to individualized drug delivery strategies. These strategies promise to enhance treatment efficacy .. Read More»

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