Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Technology and Innovation (ajpti)

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Volume 4, No 21 (2016)

Ansari Yaasir Ahmed Razzaq*, Gulam Javed Khan, Ansari Abdul Aleem, Ansari Abubakar, Jamil Ahmad Mohammad Abbas

Abstract PDF

Losartan Potassium, Pioglitazone, UV Spectroscopy, Different Chromatography (HPLC, HPTLC, LC).

Abstract PDF

M. Sudhir*1, Ch. Divya2, N. Lakshmi Prasanti2, Sk. Liakhat Ali, Ch. Fridepaul, N.Jyothi2

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Anjali K. Takke1*, Rupali B. Bhoje2, Savita V. Pol2

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Amudha S*, P. K. Manna1, Jeganathan N.S, Anbazhagan S

Abstract PDF